2 skinnee j's

A band where all of the members are named Larry. They split up due to the erectile dysfunction of one of the members. Larry Jambowitski was the lead guitarist afflicted with the problem. His wedding vegetables became caught in the oven door while trying to feed his dog. The lead vocalist, Larry Vehemently, was arrested for stealing little boys underwear. He spent 11 days in jail. The lead bassist was Larry Appleton. He was murdered by Balki Bartokomous. The drummer, Lance Elott, often referred to as Elephant Tusk was sold into the Peruvian Slut trade.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to 2 skinnee j's. Some of the top words include: cheese, leftover crack, Lamb of God, Beatle, Harrys Fist, and 25 more.